is said that no work of art is written in vacuum, so there is history and
intent. Hence literature as a field through the novel is a driving force
breaking boundaries. It speaks for the unheard, it acts as a mechanism
camouflaging and taking on any form it needs to take. It could be a weapon or a
voice of reason which perception is determinant. The novel thus acts as a voice,
as a pursuit of minority to speak the unspoken, unexpressed and undeclared, breaking
free of confines probably in use of language as seen with Ngugi, who decided to
write in Gikuyu language for better expression of African consciousness also, the
inclusion of certain terms and remarks which are indicative of an African language.
To reveal issues that some term perhaps controversial and unpleasant. Rape,
sex, homosexuality and equal rights for women are disregarded in the African domain.
The novel helps through characters and symbols, to push forth these ideas to form
and reform philosophies and ways of living. The novel then being transgressive,
changes the status quo bringing about a paradigm shift in the norm which
excites discourages or inspires a perception.
Okparanta’s Under the Udala Trees is
indicative of treating the discourse of homosexuality. This topples the
original biological setting and understanding of heterosexual relationship. In
an African domain this is an issue that is hushed for it has a negative sense.
The text through Ijeoma the protagonist downplays the patriarchal system
because she finds no pleasure sexually or otherwise being with a man, which
certainly defies the system. It goes on
to further explore the acceptance in a society that is not tolerant of that
kind of sexuality. It is evident in the text, when Ijeoma has a close call with
death at a gay bar with her partner Ndidi. This is an undisclosed place only
known only to the homosexuals. She is able to hide from danger but comes out
the next morning to see the corpse of a friend, who was burnt alive for being
homosexual. It is a taboo subject to be discussed or imagined and so they live
in fear. The African sphere is keen on heterosexual relationships, that when
her mother got to know of her daughters’ relationship with Amina she is
disappointed. She then tries to take hold psychologically of her daughters’
sexuality, using illustrations and passages from the bible to make her recognize
she is on the wrong path. Under the Udala
Tree is most definitely is subversive and transgressive in its concerns, different
from the traditional thematic concerns of African literature there by speaking
for the unheard in the African domain.
Reviewed by olenik
September 02, 2019

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